osmocom.org git repositories

Osmocom.org git repositories. A fast webinterface for the git dscm. Osmocom library for A-bis interface. Osmocom Crypto plugin for GEA3 and A53. A library with SDR DSP primitives. Osmocom library for muxed audio. Common library for all Osmocom projects. Osmocom fork of Open SMPP 3.4 Library. Code Generator for GSM 04.08 encoderdecoder. Software for ETSI GMR GEO Mobile Radio. GSM SIM card tools. Local copy of Henryk Ploetz smardcard shell. Osmocom Card Operating System COS. GSM network side GERAN.


The domain git.osmocom.org currently has an average traffic classification of zero (the smaller the superior). We have examined twenty pages within the site git.osmocom.org and found twenty-nine websites linking to git.osmocom.org.
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Open Source Mobile Communications

Project is an umbrella project regarding Open source mobile communications. This includes software and tools implementing a variety of mobile communication standards, including GSM, DECT, TETRA and others. Project management system which we use for. Please also see the following other web sites which are.

Open Source Mobile Communications

Project is an umbrella project regarding Open source mobile communications. This includes software and tools implementing a variety of mobile communication standards, including GSM, DECT, TETRA and others. Project management system which we use for. Please also see the following other web sites which are. MPCIe WWAN modem USB breakout board.


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We detected that a single root page on git.osmocom.org took three thousand and twenty-three milliseconds to stream. Our crawlers could not find a SSL certificate, so in conclusion our web crawlers consider git.osmocom.org not secure.
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3.023 secs
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We discovered that this website is using the nginx/1.6.2 os.


osmocom.org git repositories


Osmocom.org git repositories. A fast webinterface for the git dscm. Osmocom library for A-bis interface. Osmocom Crypto plugin for GEA3 and A53. A library with SDR DSP primitives. Osmocom library for muxed audio. Common library for all Osmocom projects. Osmocom fork of Open SMPP 3.4 Library. Code Generator for GSM 04.08 encoderdecoder. Software for ETSI GMR GEO Mobile Radio. GSM SIM card tools. Local copy of Henryk Ploetz smardcard shell. Osmocom Card Operating System COS. GSM network side GERAN.


The domain git.osmocom.org states the following, "A fast webinterface for the git dscm." We observed that the website also stated " Osmocom library for A-bis interface." It also stated " Osmocom Crypto plugin for GEA3 and A53. A library with SDR DSP primitives. Osmocom library for muxed audio. Common library for all Osmocom projects. Osmocom fork of Open SMPP 3. Code Generator for GSM 04. Software for ETSI GMR GEO Mobile Radio. Local copy of Henryk Ploetz smardcard shell. Osmocom Card Operating System COS. GSM network side GERAN."


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Dein Einstieg in die Welt der Microcontroller. Das Raspberry Pi ist ein kreditkartengroßer Mini-Pc - auch Microcontroller genannt. Mithilfe seiner 700 Mhz starken ARM-CPU kann er nahezu alles was auch normale Desktoprechner können. Wenn ihr euch einen Raspberry Pi kaufen wollt, dann bekommt ihr nicht nur einen schnellen Microcontroller, sondern auch einen stromsparenden Homeserver mit fast unendlichen Verwendungsmöglichkeiten. Das Raspberry Pi ist in drei unterschiedlichen Versionen verfügbar.

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